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Valóban szeretne otthonról, kötetlen időbeosztással komoly pénzt
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> Szeretne egy olyan
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mellett is könnyen
végezhető otthoni, internetes munkát ajánlok
Csak ennyi kell hozzá! <
Saját, otthoni számítógép és Internet
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- Türelem és kitartás
Mit is jelent Otthonról dolgozni?
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> Hogyan csináljam?
Első lépésként nyisson ingyenes PayPaL számlát! Ide kapja majd a fizetését!
Második lépés : Megtanulni néhány alapvető angol kifejezést. Google fordító segít...
Harmadik lépés : Regisztrálni valamelyik oldalra. És kattintani, kattintani...
Create your own PayPal account and Join us!
Sign up for a PTC account. PTC site generate money for you. It will give you an extra money for clicking advertisements.
The prime money maker websites
Join Now! The Best PTC and Surf sites! Earn Money! Get paid to read paid emails.
Paid to Click, Paid to Sign Up, Paid to Review, Paid to Promote, Paid to Read, and many more...
Donkey_Mails is overall an incredible and reliable site that can earn you a lot of extra money. Give it a try. You won't regret it!
This company that pays you for this kind of service usually pays 0.01 cents per click, but with Donkey Mails you can earn 0.1 cent per click, plus 0.25 cents for links that will be send to you via paid mails. You will earn more money than with others companies. You don not have to pay for anything, it is 100% Free! After you join open Alert pay or Paypal account, it is free too and then real earning can begin, go to members home page and start clicking, very simple and effective way to earn money online.
The most important part of PTC ’s are referrals more the
referrals more your earning.
PTC is all based on referral, no
referral and you will be waiting for months for you payment.
PTC Referrals is a free powerful downline builder that anyone can use to get referrals that earn you money. Our program will help you build your referral base quickly and efficiently to increase your earnings exponentially. The best part of our program is that it is absolutely FREE TO JOIN!
How to make money online is a search phrase that thousands of people type into their search engine each day, and if you are anything like me, then you’ve read a whole lot of different ways how to make money online.
How do you make money online then? There are a few ways to make money straight away, but the way I’m going to explain here is PTC. - Paid to click -
You may or may not have heard of PTC, or even read articles about how people make money online using it. The truth is you’re not going to make a small fortune with it unless 1. You sign up to every PTC site and click every ad or 2. Refer every single person you possibly can to sign up to the sites you’re registered with, and click the ads. The second option being the better one, unless you have got time to click ads all day !
What is PTC ?
PTC sites have got paid advertisements on them that pay you $0.01c for you to view them for 30 seconds. You can only view one ad at a time, and you must wait for the counter to count down 30 seconds before your PTC account gets credited.
If you refer someone, anyone as long as it’s not the same computer as yours, and then your account gets credited $0.01c for every ad they click on as well. So the more sites you join, and the more people you refer, the more money you make.
How to make money online with PTC :
1. Firstly if you haven’t started an Alertpay or PayPal account then sign up for one of those, I prefer AlertPay as not every site uses PayPaL.
2. Sign up to a PTC site. I would start with 5-10 different PTC sites, depending on how much time you have to click on the ads. There are usually 5-13 different ads to click on each different site, with 30 seconds per ad, it does add up.
Click on all the ads that are available. Remember you can only click
on 1 PTC ad at a time, or you won’t get credited to your
account. It’s good to read through some of the ads for future
marketing tips.
Refer people to the PTC sites that you have
joined. You can do this many ways, start a blog, write articles, send
emails to friends, use comments on different blogs and sites, word of
mouth! Where ever you think people may want to do this as well, give
it a go. Start small and grow and grow and grow.
Thank you!
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